Gavin Whitlock

Gavin Whitlock

Lead Programmer at Ubisoft

Lead Programmer / 29 yrs

Toronto, Canada Area

Hire Me
20 Years industry experience (PS1/2/3, P.C., Xbox/360, NGC, Wii) (C++, C, Python and some C#)
9 Published games (Splinter Cell Blacklist, Bodycount, Harry Potter OotP, Harry Potter GoF, Harry Potter PoA, B17-2, G-Police Weapons of Justice, G-Police, Assault Rigs)
Unpublished game Team SAS
Line Management and Lead Programmer experience, Large Team experience
Physics BSc, Computer Science MSc
Work History
  • Technical Director

    NetEase Montreal

    July 2022 - Present
  • Lead Programmer (CPI)


    October 2013 - July 2022
  • Lead Programmer (Online Multiplayer)


    March 2012 - October 2013

    Lead of online and network area.
    Line management 7 people
    Development steering, recruitment, scheduling, cross-studio collaboration

  • Principal Programmer


    March 2008 - October 2011

    Bodycount (PS3, Xbox360) : Metacritic (53)
    Gameplay Lead: Line Managing 9 programmers; Recruitment; Appraisals etc.
    Build: Code publish system; Perforce branching strategy and management
    Gameplay: Gameplay rule system, Tutorials, Missile guidance system, Camera bob, Mini-map, Breakable object serialisation.
    Animation tool for twin video capture during mo-cap.
    Physics: Gameplay component; Ray-cast framework.
    Five-O (working title) (PS3, Xbox360, PC)
    Physics and animation group lead.
    Detailed planning and prototyping.

  • Programmer

    Electronic Arts

    July 2003 - March 2008

    Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix (PS2, PS3, Xbox360, Wii) : Metacritic (68)
    Head of animation tech.
    Two-bone foot and arm IK system –integrated to Havok and rewritten from scratch.
    Lip-syncing pipeline and in-game systems.
    Prototype gesture recognition.
    Prototype combat system.
    Harry Potter Goblet of Fire (PS2, Xbox, NGC) : Metacritic (68)
    Steering and threat avoidance system.
    Design of AI, piloting, navigation, agent and shot systems.
    Mentoring and assesment of graduate recruits, interviewing potential employees.
    Miscellaneous game systems support.
    Code and memory optimisation, refactoring sections of PoA codebase to Renderware and Renderware Studio.
    Collaboration on coding standards.
    In-game interface to Havok.
    Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban (PS2, Xbox, NGC) : Metacritic (70)
    Navigation solution.
    Babble Manager (for in-game speech).
    Upgrade of duelling system.
    Maintainance of collision system.

  • Senior Programmer

    Rage Bristol

    April 1999 - February 2003

    Team SAS (XBox) : IGN Article, Jan 2003 - 5 page Article in Official XBox Magazine
    Enemy and team AI, scripting, animation interface.
    Game editor – including visual scripting and logic representation.
    In-game cameras including cut-scene scripting.
    Memory management layer.
    Main game loop.
    Weapons, including aiming and recoil.
    Player controls.
    B17-2 The Mighty Eighth (PC) : GameSpy Review (90), Metacritic (82)
    Multiple engine management simulation with governing AI.
    3D Aircraft cockpits – instrumentation, human interface, simulated pilot head-movement, and aircraft start-up sequences.
    External aircraft details (flaps, slats, ailerons, onions etc)

  • Senior Programmer

    Dangerous Games

    2003 - 2003

    Team SAS (XBox) : IGN Article, Jan 2003 - 5 page Article in Official XBox Magazine
    Continuing enemy AI and visual scripting.

  • Lead Programmer


    February 1995 - March 1999

    G-Police Weapons of Justice (PS1) : IGN Review (8.5), Absolute PlayStation (88)
    Lead programmer.
    Programming schedules and complete game design.
    Co-ordination and assignment of programming team.
    Visual effects programming (missiles, explosions etc).
    Mission editor – compiled mission scripting.
    Overlay handling and resource management.
    G-Police (PS1 / PC) : IGN Review (8.0), Absolute PlayStation (9/10)
    Design, planning and scheduling of complete non-rendering area of game. Mission scripting and traffic simulation.
    Enemy flight and navigation AI.
    Assault Rigs (PS1 / PC) : IGN Review (6.0)
    Potentially Visible Sets, 3D Front-End Design and Code (Memory Cards etc). Profiler interface.
    Assault Rigs Jpn (PS1) :
    Localisation for Japanese sku.

  • MSc DIC in Computer Science

    Imperial College

    1993 - 1994
  • BSc (HONS) ARCS in Physics

    Imperial College

    1990 - 1993