Bleacher Report - 2D animation, "A Carmelo Anthony Christmas", animated spoof of Peanuts classic starring the NY Knicks Yummiloo Pilot - CG Children's show about healthy eating for Yummico Uma And Devan - 2D Animated Pilot, Indie production Itsy Bitsy Spider - Cg Animated Children's song for Mother Goose Club. The Clorox Company - CG animated spot for Glad storage containers, "5th Grade Sciene Experiment' - 2 CG animated spots for Soy Vay, 'Broadway' and "Rice Battle' The CDM Group - Viagra Sales/marketing 2D animation Real Productions - Vmware Sales/Marketing 2D animation HSN - Post Production for Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga exclusive HSN interview promoting 'Cheek to Cheek' album “In Rajasthan” A Thousand Suns Foundation - CGI movie titles, animated segments and VFX. “Mad” Warner Bros Animation airing on Cartoon Networks - 4 Seasons of 3d/2d Animation on all movie parodies and various Mad Moments and interstitials “Sid the Science Kid” The Jim Henson Co. Seasons 1 & 2 All Susie Songs, Sid’s Big Idea and Grandma’s Flashback “The Upstate Four” Cartoon Networks - Episode length pilot “The Snowman Family” Hallmark entertainment - Award winning 2D animated production “What’s Hot! What’s Cool!” CBS News Productions - 2 seasons of Motion Graphics and Animation