Undisclosed Project
Storyboard per la serie "Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo" di Zerocalcare.
Storyboard rough per la serie "Alice &Lewis; 2". Movimenti Production per Blue Spirit
Storyboard rough per la serie "Trulli Tales 2"
Storyboard rough per la serie "When I was your age"
Storyboard rough of an episode of "The Game Catchers"
Storyboard per la canzone dello Zecchino d'oro "Disco Pizza Dj"
Storyboard rough per la serie "Le Loup 2"
Storyboard Rough per la serie "TOPO GIGIO"
Soryboard Rough for the series TRANSFORMERS CYBERVERSE (Boulder Media)
Rough Storyboard for the animated series LE LOUP
Storyboard Rough for the pilot of the series "The Golden Apple"
Rough and Clean Storyboards for the animated series ATCHOO!