Directed the creative lighting of a climax sequence as Sequence Lighting Lead and Master Lighter, giving creative and technical advice to a team of 10 artists.
Senior Lookdev/Lighting Artist
Digital Domain
November 2016 - June 2017
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Look development of digital doubles and other inorganic assets in V-Ray.
Senior Lookdev and Lighting Artist "Spiderman: Homecoming" (Nov '16 - Present)
Generalist Technical Director
Double Negative
March 2010 - October 2014
London, United Kingdom
Supervised multi-national teams and liaised with various department supervisors to ensure the delivery of assets on time and maintain their quality.
- Successfully delivered assets in approximately half of the time allotted by closely collaborating with R&D and other departments in Fast and Furious 6. Also streamlined the pipeline by writing tools in various programming languages such as Python, allowing artists reduce their task time by sometimes more than 75%.
- Contributed to the achievement of British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award and a nomination to the Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects for "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part II"
Digital Artist
Olm digital
September 2005 - March 2010
Tokyo, Japan
- Oversaw the lighting and compositing process as Lead Lighting and Compositing Artist and worked closely with directors on look development and quality maintenance.
- Streamlined production workflows by integrating custom tools
• Contributed to the achievement of International Drama Festival in TOKYO Award for a year-long TV series "Phone Braver 7," which also got broadcasted in Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong due to its success in Japan
• Led the production of a viral video series of 10 episodes of "Phone Braver 7" with a team of 10+ people for over 4 months. The series earned more than 1 million views across different platforms.
• Lit, rendered, and composed images with in-house feather generating tools for the short film "One Pair" (Official Selection of the Computer Animation Festival at SIGGRAPH 2008) using Renderman
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
IE Business School
November 2013 - December 2014
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Digital Media Design