Yes! Worked on TV show "Cocomelon Lane" with American partners "Moonbug" from LA. My role was Storyboard Supervisor.
Project "Lucas The Spider" based on very popular web shorts. Client HBP kids!
Project "Bubble Hotel" - 3D Animated show. My role was Storyboard Artist and occasionally supervision of the workflow.
Story Art, Character and Location Design for Animated Feature
Beat boards and Storyboard for Animated Feature
"Amos The Mask Hunter" TV Series
"Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood" - PBS
"Magic School Bus, rides again" - Netflix Orginal
Subjects : Storyboarding, Perspective and Structural Drawing
"Fugget About It!" Prime Time Teletoon
"Daniel Tiger Neighbourhood" PBS
" My Big Big Friend" - Tree House
"Almost Naked Animals" - Teletoon
"Martha Speaks" - Tree House
"Producing Parker" - Global, Prime Time
" Total Drama Island" - Teletoon
Shows: "George and Martha", "Moville Mysteries", "Maggie and the Ferocious Beast","Marvin", "Redwall" and others
Shows : "Little Bear", "George Shrinks", "Gargoyles", "Bob and Margaret", "Franklin" and many others