I am a hard working, self driven, goal oriented, team player. I take pride in all my work and I’m passionate to make everything I touch the best it can be. I rig to animate, I animate to tell stories, and I tell stories to entertain and make people happy. I enjoy every step of the process, including problem solving and writing custom tools. My passion and drive is to achieve the highest quality animation through research, team collaboration, and life experience. I strive to hone my craft and grow as an animator, and creative problem solver.
Work History
Senior Animator
Ready At Dawn Studios
June 2014 - Present
* Work with Director in creating cinematic animation sequences from pre-viz, to shooting
video reference, to final performance animation, integrated, blended, and working in-game.
Responsible for camera animation and keyframe animation on humanoid characters to
hold up next to motion capture, as well as editing and manipulating motion
capture data performances.
* Create pipeline tools in Python for fellow animators and contributed input in weekly meetings
with tools team for creating, improving, debugging, and refining tools and their practical
Freelance Artist
Danimation Studios
January 2008 - Present
Instructional / Safety Videos
Side Projects
TD & Character Animator
Duck Studios
May 2009 - May 2014
Greater Los Angeles Area
Commercial Animation:
* I work closely with directors and other animators under tight deadlines. With collaboration, I develop story by creating layout animatics with soundtracks and dialogue. Through blocking and rough animation I develop character animation styles and personality performance ideas, fine tuning and improving the performance all the way to the final animation approval.
* I am proficient in MEL and Python scripting languages. I have written many tools for asset creation, rigging, animating, and rendering to the farm using iRush. Along with leading all character rigs and rigging tasks at Duck Studios, I created and developed the Geometry cached based pipeline and tools at Duck Studios utilizing Alembic at it's core. I've written asset management tools to easily instill production standards for the pipeline to help eliminate technical and tedious user errors. This greatly simplified the process for the artists so they could focus on producing quality content and speed up the production turn-around time.
* Lead and manage a team of freelance animators on multiple, overlapping Cox Communications commercial projects. Under tight deadlines, I work directly with the director, agency, and client on daily updates, notes, and changes.
Character Animator & Rigger
Duck Studios
May 2008 - March 2009
Greater Los Angeles Area
Character Animator on Commercials:
* Cox Communication's Digee characters against live action and on white syke.
* “Rubbuds” short/PSA directed by Jan Chen:
- Won the 2010 Rising Star Award at the Canada International Film Festival
- Won the 2009 Best Animated short film at the Naperville Independent Film Festival
- Won the 2010 Best Animation at Las Vegas International Film Festival
Character Animator & Rigger
Barbedwire FX
October 2007 - January 2008
Santa Monica, CA
Character and hyper-real animation for films and commercials:
* Pre-Viz Rigger and Animator on “Solomon Kane” feature film.
* “Rainbow Tribe” Movie: Worked closely with director and video reference on rigging and animating realistic bats. I also rigged and animated a digital replacement stunt double that blended into live-action performance.
Animator & Rigger
7 Studios
October 2006 - October 2007
Greater Los Angeles Area
Created custom rigs and animated characters for current gen and next-gen consoles:
* Worked with team of animators in creating in-game character animations, cycles, and vignette sequences for “Fantastic Four 2” (PS2, Wii, DS) in 3D Studio MAX.
* Created and developed stretchy character rig for “Mr. Fantastic”/Reed Richards character. Meeting compatibility standards for exporting and importing into game engine.
* Worked with art director in creating effects animation for “Shrek the 3rd” (Xbox 360).