Dana Dorian

Dana Dorian

Co-founder of Axis Animation and Flaunt Productions

Supervisor Director / 29 yrs

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Hire Me

Opening Cinematic Co-Director

Halo Infinite (2021)

Supervising Cinematic Director

Gears 5 (2019)

Motion Capture Supervisor

Kiss Me First (2018)

Second Unit Cinematics Director

Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)

Cinematic Director

Grey Goo (2015)

Cinematic Director

Alien Isolation

Telling stories with an emotional twist, whether it be humour or a lump in the throat, Dana's body of work strives to move its audience.

He is one of the four founding partners of Axis, and in the past sixteen years has worked with clients such as Disney, BBC, Warner Brothers, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft, winning two BAFTAs along the way.

He grew up in New Jersey, but hey no one's perfect.
Work History

    Axis Animation

    December 1999 - Present
    Glasgow, United Kingdom

    Directing Films, Game cinematics, and TV commercials with a focus on narrative.

  • Lead artist

    Digital Animations

    1996 - 1999
  • Masters in Fine Art

    The University of Dundee

    1994 - 1995
  • Bachelors in Fine Art

    Purchase College, SUNY

    1989 - 1993
  • High School

    Northern Valley Regional High School

    1986 - 1989