Feature Films : "Fantastic Four" "Impossible"
"The Original season1" "Vampire diaries season 5"
Commercial : "Room Tone" Feature Film : "RoboCop 2014" "Divergent" and 2more feature films
Feature Film : "Riddick 2013" "Vampire diaries season 4" "The following season1" "Game of thrones season 3"
TV Commercial : "Apple device"
Feature Film "The Last Stand"
Films Online Movie Maker
Music Video
TV Commercial : "Visa - London Olympics"
March / 2012 - TV Series “The Neighbors” December / 2012 - TV Series "Star Trek"
Xbox Kinect Rush
The 54th Grammys "FooFighters"
Feature Film "Mirror Mirror" Law & Order : Special Victims Unit_Theatre tricks
"HEB" Commercial
iTunes “The Beatles”
"Paramount 100 Anniversary"
Toyota ”Yaris”
"Colossus Perk"
NJD_G11 NFL ”The St. Louis Rams” San Francisco 49ers Game day 2011
"IPad" device Commercial
Stereoscopic(3D conversion), Feature Film "Harry potter7-part1"
Lead Producer News Producer Production Lead
Lead Producer Marketing Account Manager Reporter
Master Control Room Operator "Art On The Run" Pilot program Associate Producer
Freelance : Roto /Keying Artist (Inferno) Commercial : Home Depot, Pixter Internship : Roto/Paint /Keying Artist Feature Film : “Four Brothers” Commercial : Volkswagen Polo, Renault, Disney, Wolverine, Texas Instruments, Gatorade