Julien Robert

Julien Robert

I'm a 3D animator and I enjoy it !

Senior Animator / 20 yrs

Lyon, France

Hire Me
Those last 2 decades, I worked for companies such as Weta FX, Dontnod, Quantic Dream, Asobo, Eden Games, Attitude Studio and Mocaplab. This gave me the opportunity to put my fingers on various kind of projects, from feature film to VR experience, but most of them were video games. I'm specialized in body motion capture animation and keyframe.
In the future, I would like to learn and work on Facial Motion Capture or combine both body and facial technologies. I also will be very happy to improve my skills in keyframe. In our profession, never stop learning is the key to longevity.
Work History
  • Motion Editor

    Wētā FX

    October 2021 - March 2024

    Worked on various projects :
    - "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" movie
    - "War Is Over" (Electro League won the Oscar & Annie for best animated short movie among others "Avatar : The Way Of Water" movie (multi awarded including Oscar for Best Visual Effects)
    - "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" TV serie 1st season
    - "Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver" movie

  • Animator


    May 2021 - October 2021

    Motion editing on "Eternelle Notre-Dame" VR experience.
    Cleaning, blending and looping of in-game animations. Rigging and props animation.

  • Senior Motion Editor

    Small by Mac Guff

    July 2020 - March 2021

    3 months of work at all.
    Post-animation of motion capture on some sequences of the short interactive narrative VR "Minimum Mass".
    Rigging of character and props in Maya & Motion Builder.

  • Senior Motion Editor

    Totem Production

    September 2020 - February 2021

    Rough body mocap data cleanup & post-animation for a dance game

  • Motion Editor

    Le Fresnoy, studio des arts contemporain

    June 2020 - July 2020

    Post-animation of body motion capture datas recorded on a Neuron Axis system for an artistic project designed by FleuryFontaine duo for Panorama 22 festival

  • 3D Animator

    Palladium Software

    April 2020 - May 2020

    On an unannounced VR 3D project, I was in charge of :
    - character animation (keyframe and mocap)
    - character rigging (based on a personal Auto Rig script)
    - consulting about character modeling

  • Mocap teacher


    January 2019 - January 2020

    Short term contract (around 2 x 1 week per year) on a Vicon mocap stage and in classroom :
    - Supervision of recordings (facial & body) for 4 short movies
    - Teaching of Motion Builder, demonstration of the whole process.
    I also animate a similar workshop at "ESRA Paris" university since April 2016.

  • Previs Artist


    December 2019 - December 2019
    Paris, France

    Layout, staging, motion editing and keyframe animation for the previsualization of "THE ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE : Greymoor / The Dark Heart of Skyrim" launch cinematic.

  • Senior Motion Editor


    June 2019 - August 2019
    Aubervilliers, France
  • Senior Motion Editor


    September 2013 - October 2018
    Aubervilliers, France

    I work on several projects of different purpose (video game, animated serie...). Mainly, my duty is to reconstruct and retarget motion capture datas we recorded ourselves with our Vicon system. Sometimes I'm on stage to record actors' performances.
    I've also made a prototyped version of a 3D realtime app for deaf & hearing-impaired persons.

  • Director Assistant Tech Animation


    April 2016 - March 2018
    Bourg-lès-Valence, France

    - Follow FX animation and report technical issues on Skylanders Academy (the 3 seasons).
    - Manage a little team of technical animators.
    - Anticipate rendering issues due to animation mainly and fix them.
    - Help animators on technical issues, provide to them some rigs and scripts to automate/simplify tasks.
    - Ease communication between Valence and Paris studios.
    - Preserve the link between each departments involved in the project.
    - Continuity man

  • Animator

    The Digital Lounge

    October 2015 - December 2015

    I was in charge of the in-game characters animations on Kick Off Revival (PS4 & PS Vita game)

  • 3D Animator

    DONTNOD Entertainment

    May 2015 - October 2015
    Paris, France

    I helped for character/props animation on the 4th and 5th episodes of Life Is Strange. It was a great human experience, Dontnod has a modern vision of team and project management based on confidence to its employees and promotion of positive spirit. This is one of the reasons making this game a success.

  • Body Animator

    Quantic Dream

    February 2013 - July 2013
    Paris, France

    Refinement and post-animation of body motion capture datas on "Beyond : Two Souls" PS3 videogame. Animation of props.

  • Senior Animator

    Eden Games

    August 2007 - June 2011
    Lyon, France

    Character Animator specialized in Optical Motion Capture (full pipe from shooting to final delivery of body animations). Few keyframing skills (post animations, fingers, props, stunts,...).
    I've worked on "Alone In The Dark chapter 5" for the 8 last months and the whole "Test Drive Unlimited 2".
    Softwares : Motion Builder, Maya, PhaseSpace suit, Diva, Photoshop

  • Senior Animator and Character Setup Designer


    October 2006 - May 2007
    Rennes, France

    I was in charge of all character animations on architectural and military projects and a pilot of a TV serie. I had to make a generic animations database which could be reused for any kind of realistic project.
    Keyframe and motion capture animation, rigging, post-FX and video editing.
    Softwares : Motion Builder, Maya, 3DSmax, After Effect, Premiere

  • Motion Capture Animator

    Attitude Studio

    April 2003 - May 2006
    Pantin, France

    Character Animator specialized in Optical Motion Capture on Renaissance, the first full “mocapped” 3D European feature, and the 26 X 26 minutes TV series Skyland, and many Video Games
    cinematics (Getting Up, Dead To Rights 2, Shadow Ops, ... ). From
    post-treatment of motion capture datas to final delivery of animations. Keyframing for post-animations, props, vehicles...
    In the early months, Beta-Tester on the renderfarm (software and hardware maintenance).
    Softwares : Motion Builder, Maya, Vicon suit

  • R&D Trainee


    July 2000 - July 2000
    Boulogne-Billancourt, France

    Internship for intranet development (CGI, MySQL, PERL, html).

  • Feature animation (keyframe)


    2012 - 2012
  • Master in Arts (NVQ Level 5) in 2D/3D graphics and virtual r

    Université Vincennes-Saint-Denis (Paris VIII)

    1999 - 2002
  • BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electronics and Industrial P

    IUT Angers

    1995 - 1997
  • HSD in Electronics

    "Eugene Livet" High School based in Nantes

    1994 - 1995