Solely responsible for technical/graphic design of nine distinct web products totaling over 550 updated pages; capturing, editing and publishing event video; and print & online advertising.
Yearly online fundraising surged from $229,359 to $1,369,987 during employment; with the number of donations expanding from 2225 to 19107 – data mined by Sick Kids 2002 vs. 2006, respectively.
Commercial Photographer/Graphic Designer
Morricone Photographics
1998 - 2002
Specialized in commercial and effects photography and design - either on set, in processing or post. Sub-contracted by the likes of Tom Zsuba and Joy von Tiedmann for post and stock photography.
Worked on advertising for NFL, Nike, Athletes World, GM, Panasonic, Pier 1, Cirque du Soleil and Vancouver Olympics Bid.