Creating and teaching an "Houdini introduction workshop" for a group of students at Brassart CGI/VFX school, in France
Guardians of the Galaxy : smoke, dust, jet boots, geyser Exodus : Gods and Kings : Water Jungle Book : rnd, water/river
- Thor : The dark world Shale winds, clouds, atmos on Houdini
- "Baileys" commercial : Fluid, Particle, chocolate and cream sim Fx precomp - "Strongbow" moment of truth commercial : Dust, Smoke steam & Embers. RnD -> DMM fracturing - "EA games" UFC cinematic : Previs RnD -> Blood and spit sim - "Samsung King of the city" commercial, Director's cut version : Dust with Maya Fluid. - "Vigorsol" Captain Ice commercial : Fire, IceBreath, Embers and Smoke.
- "Renault Dacia" LifeProof Commercial : RBD & soft body dynamics using Rayfire, Sparks using Pflow and Krakatoa, FumeFx and Cloth RnD.
Working on Water and Wave simulation using Naiad and Realflow.
- "Renault Dacia" LifeProof Commercial : Destruction using Rayfire, Sparks using Pflow and Krakatoa, FumeFx and Cloth RnD.