Brad Rodriguez

Brad Rodriguez

Lead Storyboard Artist / 24 yrs

New York City, NY

Hire Me

Storyboard Artist / Storyboard Revisionist

Hanazuki: Full of Treasures (2017)

Storyboard Revision Artist

Goldie and Bear (2015)

Storyboard Artist

SuperNormal (2007)

Storyboard Artist

Maya & Miguel (2004)

Work History
  • Owner

    Stinkorama Productions LLC

    April 2018 - Present
    Garrison, New York

    Advertising industry Animatic & Storyboard Service

  • VeeFriends

    June 2022 - June 2023
    New York City, NY
  • Character Designer

    Sesame Workshop

    May 2021 - August 2021
    New York City Metropolitan Area
  • animation instructor

    School of Visual Arts

    September 2015 - May 2020
    New York

    Instructor –
    2nd Year Animation Workshop,
    Storyboards For Animation,
    Introduction To Toon Boom Harmony,
    Pitching Storyboards, Animating Your Narrative From Start To Finish

  • Storyboard Artist


    April 2016 - October 2017
  • Storyboard Artist

    Milk Barn Productions

    February 2015 - February 2016
    New York, NY

    Storyboard Revision Artist on the Disney Jr. animated series "Goldie & Bear"

  • Concept Artist

    American Girl

    February 2015 - March 2015

    Created Animation Character Designs & Conceptual Art for a yet-to-be-released American Girl/ Mattel Toys project

  • Storyboard Artist


    September 2014 - December 2014
    345 Hudson Street, NY

    Storyboarded an episode of Nick Jr.'s award winning kid's show "Bubble Guppies".

  • Senior Art Director - General Mills Kids Cereal Brands

    Saatchi & Saatchi

    2008 - 2014

    Collaborated as an Art Director with a creative team to develop TV commercials for General Mills Kids Cereal brands as well as commercial work and web series animation for Iams & Eukanuba pet food brands.

  • Animatic Storyboard Artist - "The Furchester Hotel"

    Sesame Workshop

    December 2013 - December 2013

    Storyboarded the Animatic for the pilot episode of "The Furchester Hotel", an upcoming Sesame Street co-production to air on CBeebies (BBC's preschool network) in Fall 2014:

    * Promotional Info:

  • Animator & Animatic Storyboard Artist - "Cartoon lagoon"

    Pat-Man Studios

    March 2011 - November 2011

    Created Animatic Storyboards for the 2nd episode of the animated show "Cartoon Lagoon" & also animated three interstitial cartoons for the pilot episode:

    * "Cartoon Lagoon" pilot episode promo bumper "Mann Adams":

    * "Cartoon Lagoon" pilot episode promo bumper "Oddlandia!":

    * "Cartoon Lagoon" pilot episode Part 1:

  • Animatic Storyboard Artist - "The Wonder Pets"

    Little Airplane Productions, Inc.

    May 2008 - October 2008
    207 Front St, New York, NY 10038

    Created Storyboard Animatics for episodes of the Emmy Award winning Nick Jr. show "The Wonder Pets":

    * "Save The Baby Bat" (clip):

    * "Save The Cool Cat & The Hip Hippo" (clip):

    * "Save The Dancing Duck" (clip):

    * "Tuck And Buck" (clip):

    * "Save The Monster" (clip):

  • Storyboard Revisionist/ Character & Prop Design - "Nate The Great"

    Animagic Animation

    February 2006 - May 2007

    Created Character & Prop Designs as well as Storyboard Revisions for the proposed PBS Kids show "Nate The Great"

  • Character & Prop Designer - "Speed Racer Lives"

    Animagic Animation - "Speed Racer Lives" Animated web series

    September 2006 - October 2006

    Created Character & Prop Designs for "Speed Racer Lives", an animated web series released for the 40th anniversary of the original series:

    * "Speed Racer Lives" Facebook site:

  • Storyboard Artist - "SuperNormal"

    World Leaders Entertainment

    July 2006 - August 2006

    Storyboarded the "SuperNormal" episode "Mr. Bad Waits For No Man", broadcast on CITV:

    * "Mr. Bad Waits For No Man":

  • Director/ Assistant Director/ Storyboard Artist - "Maya & Miguel"


    September 2003 - November 2004

    Directed & Storyboarded episodes of the PBS Kids show "Maya & Miguel":

    * "The Letter" episode clip:

    * "Mala Suerte" full episode:

    * "The Autograph" full pilot episode:

  • Storyboard Artist - "Global Thingy"

    Sesame Workshop

    August 2004 - September 2004

    Storyboarded episodes of "Global Thingy" interstitial cartoon segments during Sesame Street episodes:

    * "West Side Thingy":

    * "Lady Bug Down":

    * "Bleep Can Play, Too":

  • Storyboard Artist/ Storyboard Revisionist - "Hoop Dogz"

    Cartoon Pizza

    August 2004 - September 2004

    Storyboarded the show intro and segments of the pilot episode for "Hoop Dogz", an children's animated series:

    * "Hoop Dogz" pilot episode clip:

  • Storyboard/ Storyboard Revision/ Character Design - Playhouse Disney's

    Cartoon Pizza - Playhouse Disney's "Stanley" TV series

    September 2000 - August 2003

    Created Storyboards and Character Designs for the Disney Playhouse series "Stanley", based on the acclaimed children's book series by Andrew Griffin:

    * "Stanley" Halloween episode song sequence "What Will We Be":

    * "Stanley" Song Sequence Compilation:

  • Storyboard Artist - Playhouse Disney's "Stanley" Movie: "Stanley's Din

    Cartoon Pizza - Playhouse Disney's "Stanley" Movie: "Stanley

    May 2003 - June 2003

    Storyboarded sections of Disney's Stanley feature length movie "Stanley's Dinosaur Round Up", including all the song sequences:

    * End titles song sequence "Stanley Rides Again":

  • Production Intern

    Tapehouse Toons

    March 2000 - July 2000

    Assisted Animators, Character Deisgners, Prop Designers, In-betweening Animation, & performed Sheet Timing duties on several animated productions including the Howard Stern CBS Show intro, an animated project starring the rock band Spider Virus, and subcontracted TV Funhouse "Fun With Audio" segments, which aired on Saturday Night Live.

  • Animation

    School of Visual Arts

    May 1998 - May 1998