BG painter on Bob's Burgers Movie (Feature Animation)
BG Paint
December 2018 - March 2019
Los Angeles
Painted BGs for Human Discoveries project.
Visual Development Artist on Ugly Dolls Feature
Reel FX
February 2018 - July 2018
Hollywood, CA
Pre-Visualization (Designer, Paint, Lighting) on Ugly Dolls feature Animated film.
(CG Feature Animation Vis Dev)
Background Painter on Wabbit
Warner Bros. Animation
September 2014 - February 2018
Background Painter on Wabbit
BG paint / Visual Development
Warner Bros. Animation
April 2013 - February 2018
Vis dev on Jonny Quest (Spy Quest) and various other shows in development. Full time BG paint on Wabbit, New Looney Tunes Show, Scooby-Doo, etc..
Woodbury University
January 2014 - December 2017
I teach one class per term in applied color theory and digital painting.
I've also taught the basics of composition, layout, and visual development.
Background Painter
Warner Bros. Animation
October 2015 - January 2016
Background Painter on Scooby Doo Wild West
Background Painter
Warner Bros. Animation
September 2015 - January 2016
BG paint for Scooby Do Wild West
Background Painter on Spy Quest
Warner Bros. Animation
June 2014 - October 2014
Visual Development and Background Painter on Spy Quest.
BG paint/Design
Duck Soup Studios
May 2013 - June 2013
Designed and painted BGs for Disney's Timon and Pumba educational films.
Background Painter for Looney Tunes
Warner Bros. Animation
October 2011 - December 2012
Burbank, ca
Background Painter for Looney Tunes.
Art Director
Home Plate Entertainment
August 2012 - October 2012
Art Directed, designed and painted BGs and Development Art for TV pilot project.
Background Key Painter/Layout artist for Ricky Gervais Show
June 2011 - November 2011
I drew and painted background keys for the Ricky Gervais Show on HBO. It was a lot of fun. Doing design, layout & BG Paint makes me remember how much I love drawing.
Everybody watch the show when it comes on sometime early next year!
Background Key Paint
Starz Media
January 2011 - February 2011
Background Key Painter on Season 8 of Beavis and Butthead
BG Paint for GI Joe
Starz Media
May 2010 - July 2010
Background Keys for Hasbro's GI Joe.
BG Paint freelance
Bento Box Entertainment
May 2010 - June 2010
Visual Development Backgrounds for Allen Gregory.
Visual Development on Time Turkeys
Reel FX
May 2010 - May 2010
Did some freelance Vis Dev for a cool CG Feature.
BG Paint, Characters & Props
Fox Entertainment Group
2008 - April 2010
Painted BGs, Characters, Props & special lighting. Used Filemaker to keep workflow organized.
BG Painter on The Simpsons Movie
Film Roman
February 2007 - September 2007
I painted backgrounds on The Simpsons Movie. Also did some brief fixit work on the Simpsons Video Game cut reels.
Visual Development Artist
The Jim Henson Company
September 2006 - February 2007
Project: "Unstable Fables"- Tortoise and the Hare, The Three Pigs.
Background Painter, Development Artist, Color Boards
Background Painter
Six Point Harness
2006 - 2006
Brief gig on prepping images for the Punisher DVD limited animation cut reel.
Background Painter
Cartoon Network
2004 - 2006
Background painter on Juniper Lee. All three seasons.
Background Painter
The Walt Disney Company
1996 - 2004
I worked on Dave the Barbarian (BG lead, sole painter almost every episode), Fillmore (sole painter every episode), Pepper Ann (sole painter every episode seasons 2-5), Hercules (seasons 1-3), 101 Dalmations,
I also did development work on Kim Possible, Fillmore, Dave the Barbarian, Teamo Supremo, Wanda West & various other projects.
Background Painter
Walt Disney Television Animation
1998 - 2003
Background Key painter, sometimes supervising or lead BG paint, other times one of several BG Key painters.
Background Painter
Walt Disney TV Animation
1997 - 2003
Background Painter, Development Artist, Lead BG paint
Top Cow Productions
1994 - 1996
We painted comics using a bootleg version of the Photoshop 3 beta back when it was cutting edge to use a computer to color comics. Fun times. We we made it up as we went.
Also painted watercolor guides for a number of comics.
Legal Analyst
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
January 1988 - August 1989
Deposition digesting, case organization, various and sundry.