Tasks include:
Authoring code in C++ to enhance OpenVDB studio toolset, developing and maintaining back end python modules for FX production pipeline OTLs in Houdini, code review of pull requests into local git hub via Stash, writing Jenkins build and release scripts, and providing day to day technical support for Houdini FX artists.
fx r&d
Double Negative
October 2016 - October 2017
Method Studios
August 2016 - September 2016
FX Artist
Method Studios
September 2016 - September 2016
Santa Monica, CA
VFX work on apple commercial completed September 2016:
white glowing arrows representing airflow inside hardware
geometry modelled and animated in Houdini
begin at 2:26, end 2:40
FX Artist
November 2015 - April 2016
Lead FX Animator / Developer
DreamWorks Animation
November 2004 - January 2015
Glendale Ca
While at Dreamworks I worked in various senior roles. Depending on the productions needs, I have developed tools within Houdini or Maya, either as C++ plugins, python or MEL scripts, Houdini OTLs, and stand alone libraries.
I also have worked on many shots for the various shows to which I was assigned as well as at least 7 years of experience leading sequences, including one on one mentoring of a number artists and developers.
Kung Fu Panda 3
How To Train Your Dragon2
Kung Fu Panda 2
How To Train Your Dragon
Merry Madagascar
Bee Movie
Flushed Away
Head of Effects (DDU)
DreamWorks Animation
October 2008 - October 2009
Bangalore, India
production: Merry Madagascar holiday special
Supervised effects work for Dreamworks Animation satellite studio based in Bangalore, India (DDU). This being the first animation production at DDU, the entire effects team needed some initial training in the DW proprietary animation pipeline. Therefore, alongside regular supervisory duties, a great deal of technical training and mentoring came from myself and two effects leads. Other department head duties included daily artistic supervision of shot work, bidding, and sequence reviews. The working environment was very much akin to one encountered in a small start up animation studio, and thus provided a host of unique challenges as well as rewarding experiences.
Senior FX TD
Sony Pictures Imageworks
1998 - 2004
Culver City, CA
While at Sony I had the fortune of working with a number of very talented artists and technical developers. With their help I was able to improve my skills as a CGI artist as well learn how to use my programming and math background to create or enhance a number of pipeline workflows.
Here I honed my skills in animating, rendering and compositing effects elements for live action films. During this time I also attended a very valuable course in C++ programming which greatly improved my skill set.
The Polar Express
Big Fish
The Haunted Mansion
The Matrix Reloaded
Stuart Little 2
The Chubbchubbs!
Cast Away
Hollow Man
Stuart Little
The Astronaut's Wife
CGI Artist
November 1997 - November 1999
First experience as a CGI artist. While working as a systems administrator, knowledge of cgi effects techniques and common practices was gained with the valuable help of colleagues. After some experience was gained, a transition to full time cgi work was made.
Utilized engineering knowledge to help develop custom simulation software (forward euler particle simulation) with a team from Arete software for use in the movie Virus (1999). Also helped develop MEL scripts to export particle data from Maya to RIB format for Renderman rendering.
Effects animation software used: Dynamation, Alias Wavefront Power Animator, Maya 1.0
Development tools: C programming, Maya API, sofia language scripting for dynamation, MEL scripting.
Practical Magic
Out of Sight
The 13th Warrior
The Postman
February 1995 - March 1998
Senior System Administrator
September 1995 - September 1997
Began work here on a part time basis while completing master's degree courses at USC. Continued on full time after 1 year.
Duties included management of NFS and NIS software on a UNIX (BSD 4.3) based network consisting of SGI server and client computers as well as regular hardware/software maintenance and monitor color calibrations.
Wrote numerous executable programs in C as well as the Perl scripting language to help manage not only the NFS, TCPIP, as well as Sendmail systems run from the severs but also for CGI software installed on individual workstations.