I help bridge the technical gap between artists and production by designing, coding and deploying artist and production tools. When not designing workflows, I can be found working on special-venue productions Nuke, Unity and Maya, among others.
Unannounced A Live Televised Concert Event - Lots of post production magic
Unannounced Interactive Kiosk - Designed and developed fluid and flame FX in Unity/C#
Unannounced Feature Animated Film - Executive Producer & Creative Director
Co-Founder / Creative Director
Abunai Co.
January 2012 - Present
Abunai Co. is a content creation company focused on developing a slate of entertainment IP properties and games.
Global Food Fight by Mind Pirate - Concept Art and Gameplay Design
Unannounced Interactive Kisok Project
Unannounced Mobile Competitive Physics Game
Jotbots - Episodic Content and Toy-line.
CEO, Business Development, Investor Relations and Supervising Stereo 3D Shows
Stereoscopic Supervisor / Lead Pipeline Technical Director
June 2007 - December 2010
Built virtual camera system, camera publishing and real-time director layout suit as Lead Pipeline Developer.
Stereoscopic Supervisor- Responsible for planning, reviewing and delivering stereoscopic footage to VFX Supervisor and Editorial.
Lead Technical Director
Industrial Light & Magic
February 1998 - June 2007
Shot Technical Director responsible for lighting, compositing and shotFX. Creature lookdev and sequence FX setups. Pipeline Development in Python, MEL, Compositing Plugins and Workflows.
Co-Founder / Creative Director
MediaBubble, Inc
August 2000 - August 2003
Online mini-sites, Ad Campaigns and Promotional Games in Flash.
Co-Founder / Product Designer
Fetchadog, LLC
July 1999 - August 2001
Product Design, Manufacturing, Marketing and Packaging.