Adrian Yu

Adrian Yu

Associate Lead Engineer - Development and Release Engineerin

Lead Software Engineer / 16 yrs

Vancouver, Canada Area

Hire Me

Software Quality Engineer

NHL 10 (2009)

Software Quality Engineer

Grand Slam Tennis (2009)

Specialties: Software Automation Release Engineer
Work History
  • Associate Lead Engineer - Development and Release Engineering

    Electronic Arts

    January 2015 - Present

    - Identify and coordinate opportunities to standardize technlogies that affect multiple partner teams while managing risks and external dependencies
    - Optimize internal team efficiency by identifying and leveraging individual engineers expertise and interests to complete sprint tasks from mutliple internal customers.
    - Identify opportunies to improve and innovate existing tools and processes
    - Design and prototype new automation and report workflows

  • Systems Engineer - Development and Release Engineer

    Electronic Arts

    December 2012 - December 2014
    Burnaby, BC

    - Embedded engineer dedicated to improving SE efficiency by optimizing and simplifying build and test pipeline of a test driven development oriented online service team
    - Optimizing development and release pipeline through configuration management best practices while managing risks
    - Identify and develop tools to optimize mundane, but necessary daily release workflows
    - Evangelizing the existing automation system by designing and implementing new automation workflows using Perforce streams and Jenkins while managing risks

  • Systems Engineer - Development and Release Engineering

    Electronic Arts

    November 2011 - December 2012

    • Maintain and Improve the automated continuous build and black box testing infrastructure that monitors a configuration management system for multiple AAA titles which run thousands of automated jobs per day.
    • Design, maintain and improve the ASP .NET web related technologies that display build and test automation services provided by our team which involved adding additional platform compatibility while retaining backwards compatibility in a constantly live environment
    • Administration of over 300 virtual windows environments while actively improving the automated infrastructure by investigating, designing and prototyping new workflows which include bleeding edge storage solutions.
    • Continue to maintain and enhance automated infrastructure stability while providing support to the front line engineers while actively standardizing and merging technology.
    • Designed, prototyped and deployed new automation infrastructure complete with risk mitigation strategies
    • Refined improvements to the game archiving process through the process of prototyping possible improvements

  • Core Systems Engineer - EA Sports Software Quality Group

    Electronic Arts

    June 2010 - November 2011

    • Monitor and maintain the automated white box testing infrastructure that monitors a continuous build system for multiple AAA titles which tests hundreds of builds per day.
    • Designed a common white box testing template that reduced test times by an average of 30% while also reducing maintenance costs by sharing common test environments
    • Designed and implemented a basic C++ code block parser that detected method definitions and their respected start and end lines
    • Maintain the health of over 100 virtual windows environments while actively improving the testing infrastructure by investigating, designing and prototyping new workflows.

  • Software Quality Engineer

    Electronic Arts

    May 2008 - May 2010

    • Embedded game team software engineer who is responsible for integrating, standardizing, and maintaining an EA proprietary testing harness tool into multiple games at the same time by scheduling both new and maintenance related tasks while balancing different team priorities
    • Monitored and maintained an automated white box stress testing system that monitored and a continuous build system that tested tens of builds per day
    • Demonstrated the ability to learn and adapt to complex new environments by working on five separate console titles which include EA Active (Wii), Facebreaker (Wii), Grand Slam Tennis (Wii), NHL 10 (360/PS3) and Fight Night 5 (360/PS3) which were all developed with a C++ code base
    • Handled numerous urgent support issues by communicating to the different customers and rescheduling related tasks while working in an agile development environment
    • Provided a wide range of QA technical services by prioritizing and communicating with multiple teams to drive concurrent testing tasks
    • Gathered requirements from customers and designed, implemented and verified various in-game debug tools, cheats, metric tools, automation scripts and telemetry hooks using a variety of languages which include: C++, C# using Visual Studio
    • Verified in-game metrics and telemetry data using Microsoft SQL Server and custom SQL queries.
    • Acted as the technical point of contact for the Automation Engineers and Analysts in India for my game team, taking the initiative to solve problems encountered overseas while managing the communication and time zone issues

  • RF Performance Test Engineer


    January 2007 - August 2007

    · Performed quad-band GSMpre-compliance testing on a Rhode & Schwarz based test rack
    · Executed GSM, WCDMA, BT, BT EDR, GPRS, EGPRS, GPS, WLAN critical parameter testing (CPK) on Agilent and
    Keithley based automatic transceiver testing (ATT) test racks
    · Performed and compiled the results of a series of thermal imaging test cases using a thermal imaging camera
    · Created an in depth CPK/ATT user manual with step-by-step instructions and numerous screenshots

  • Co-op Student

    The University of British Columbia

    May 2006 - August 2006

    Singularly implemented and tested an online Room Reservation Program that communicates with an SQL database in real
    time while maintaining and improving an existing inventory system using my multitasking skills.
    · Maintained and improved the existing internal ICICS inventory system by adding new website features that I designed to
    streamline the maintenance process
    · Self-taught myself the webpage development languages: PHP, HTML and JavaScript
    · Uncovered and addressed existing security deficiencies through careful analysis of code
    · Became familiar with the MAC operating system through persistent use while developing and maintaining the websites
    using my resourcefulness

  • QA Analyst


    September 2005 - December 2005

    · Performed software testing duties in a Windows XP environment using my knowledge of UNIX and SQL commands
    · Designed and executed simultaneous performance tests on multiple industrial sized servers using Unix which gauged the
    server and network usage
    · Gathered the raw data from performance tests and generated reports using VBA scripts I designed in Excel. The reports
    were later used in multi-million dollar proposals to prospective customers
    · Became familiar with the software development life cycle and methodologies after extensive software testing experience
    which utilized UNIX andWindows O/S skills

  • Computer Engineering

    The University of British Columbia

    2003 - 2008