Jeff Wong

Jeff Wong

Senior Animator / 25 yrs

Vancouver, Canada

Lead Animator

ReCore (2016)

Character Animator

Sausage Party (2016)

Senior Cinematics Animator

Ryse: Son of Rome (2013)

Character Animator

Imaginary mary

Senior Animator

Lichdom: Battlemage

Work History
  • Senior Animator

    Game Dev Studio

    February 2017 - Present
  • Animator (contract)

    Zoic Studios

    November 2016 - February 2017

    Contract Keyframe Character Animator on the ABC sitcom Imaginary Mary.

  • Lead Animator

    Goldtooth Creative

    April 2016 - October 2016
    Vancouver, Canada Area
  • Character Animator

    Nitrogen Studios

    January 2016 - April 2016

    Character Animator on the feature film Sausage Party

  • Nitrogen Studios Canada

    January 2016 - March 2016
  • Motion Capture Facial Animator

    Electronic Arts Canada

    May 2015 - January 2016
  • Senior Animator


    January 2014 - March 2015

    Senior Animator on an unannounced project

    Senior Animator - Lichdom: Battlemage. Keyframing, editing and implementing Cinematics and Gameplay animations. Responsible for Motion Capture pipeline from calibrating and operating the motion capture system to dealing with talent to processing and editing data.

  • Senior Animator

    CCP (Atlanta studio)

    June 2012 - December 2013

    Senior Animator for CCP North America: July 2013 - Dec 2013
    Working on World of Darkness MMO

    Animation Director for CCP North America: June 2012 - July 2013
    Working on World of Darkness MMO

  • Senior Cinematics Animator

    Crytek (Budapest & Frankfurt studios)

    May 2010 - May 2012

    (Frankfurt studio) Senior Cinematics Animator - Ryse: Son of Rome: September 2011 - May 2012

    Senior Cinematics Animator on XBox One exclusive launch title. Leading the Ryse Cinematics Animators. Interviewing and hiring Animators. Putting together Cinematics animation. Evaluating Performance Capture vendors. Coordinating Performance Capture shoots.

    (Budapest studio) Lead Animator - Ryse (Codename:Kingdoms): May 2010 - August 2011.

    Keyframing gameplay animations. Editing and blending mocap for gameplay content. Working closely with Designers and Program

  • Senior Gameplay Animator

    Blue Castle Games

    November 2008 - November 2009

    Senior Gameplay Animator - Dead Rising 2

    Keyframing animations for Gameplay features in Motionbulder
    Cleaning up Motion Capture for Gameplay features in Motionbuilder
    Responsible for Motion Capture shoots and Mocap pipeline
    Directing Motion Capture shoots
    Working with Rainmaker Motion Capture on quality of data delivery

  • Senior Animator

    Radical Entertainment (Activision Blizzard)

    October 2007 - August 2008

    Senior Gameplay Animator - Scarface 2 (cancelled)

  • Animator

    High Moon Studios (Activision Blizzard)

    October 2005 - October 2007

    Animator - The Bourne Conspiracy

    Capturing, tracking, solving and implementing Motion Capture into the game. Keyframing animations and exporting. Working in Unreal Editor. Editing and blending of Motion Capture animations.

  • Senior Animator

    Rockstar Games (Vienna studio)

    September 2004 - September 2005

    Senior Animator - "LH" aka Max Payne 3

    Worked on a next generation title responsible for set up and directing Motion Capture shoots. Delivery of Mocap data, solving and editing. Creation of keyframe animations. Implementation of animations into game engine and animation tree creation.

  • Animator

    Electronic Arts Canada (EA)

    February 1999 - July 2003

    Animator - NHL 2004
    Lead Animator - NHL 2003
    Animator - NHL 2002
    Animator - NHL 2001
    Motion Capture Specialist/Shoot Supervisor - FIFA 2000 (Robbie Williams shoot), Sim Mars, Ultima Online 2, NHL 2001

    Keyframe animation
    Motion Capture editing and cleanup
    Motion Capture set up and directing

  • 3D Artist

    Starnet Communications

    February 1998 - February 1999

    3D Artist

    Created 3D environments for online gambling and gaming. Modelling characters and animating them for online content using Alias Poweranimator

  • iAnimate

    October 2015 - December 2015
  • IAnimate _Feature Film Workshop : Close up and Fac

    July 2015 - October 2015
  • Vancouver Film School

    1996 - 1997