Wayne Arthur Murray

Wayne Arthur Murray

I am a craZy, but fUn pOsitive gUy, that lOves wOrking with

Senior Storyboard/concept / Senior Concept Artist

Los Angeles, CA

Hire Me
Skills Clear
I am oriGinallly frOm Newark , NJ! I reSide in Montreal, and I Love tO praCtice and stUDy, drawing cOlOuring, and hOw tO make my wOrk better and better. I play sPOrts and I cycle and swim and play baSketball. all Of theSe thinGs alOws me tO wOkr better and and tO feel goOd toO! :o) and I lOve tO teaCh waht I knOw....bUt Only tO really niCe and coOL peOple! :o)
I grew Up watChing and lOving cOmics, and mOvies sci-fi, and other film genre, aS well, as praCticing mUSic! :o) and playing sPorts! :o)
Work History
  • Storyboard and concept artist

    Movie studios, and VFX studios

    January 2018 - March 2020
    Home and Santa Barbar

    Yes, live action storyboards and concept art

  • Storyboard Artist

    Bellisarius LLC studios

    August 2019 - March 2020
    Los Angeles, California

    Created live action storyboard and concept art
    Storyboard Artist
    August 2019 - March 2020
    Los Angeles , California
    Bellissarius LLC studios, LA
    Created live action storyboards and concept art for a WW2 movie. Working with the writer and director.

  • Storyboard Artist


    January 2020 - January 2020
    Los Angeles, California

    Undisclosed live action storyboard for a post apocalyptic movie

  • Storyboard and concept artist

    Pixomondao, Los Angeles studio

    February 2019 - May 2019
    Los Angeles, California

    Created storyboards for Star trek Discovery series. Also created concept art on non disclosed film projects.

  • Freelance storyboard


    July 2018 - January 2019
    Los Angeles, CA
  • storyboard and concept artist

    Behavior a2m studio

    January 2017 - July 2017

    created storyboards and an animatic for gameplay and cinemaic cutscenes. Also created concept art for characters and spaceships!:-)

  • Warner Bros. Games

    November 1899 - November 2015
  • Associate's Degree in Commercial Arts

    Pratt Institute

    1985 - 1989
  • Associate of Arts (A.A.) in communication design

    Pratt Institute

    1985 - 1988