Senior Character Effects Artist
Puss in Boots
-Shot level work
Senior Character Effects Developer
Kung Fu Panda 2
-Developed library clothing set ups for primary and
secondary characters.
Senior Character Effects Developer
Shrek Goes Forth
-Developed over 60 library clothing set ups for primary and
secondary characters.
-Developed workflow and toolset for the animation / simulation
of dynamically grown chains.
-Developed the “sticky run-up” tool which assists in blending
from library position to initial shot position of clothing.
Senior Character Effects Artist
Kung Fu Panda
-Shot work for Clothing and Hair/Fur Simulations
-Shot work for finaling and High resolution Animation
-Developed work flow and executed one off technical animation
for props
Effects Lead
Electronic Arts
April 2006 - June 2007
FX Lead, Metal of Honor Vanguard game
-Developed for the PS2 and Wii platform.
-Created and managed the effects for in game play
-Advised on pipeline modification to streamline effects workflow
Look Dev/Pipeline/FX Lead
Zoic Studios
September 2004 - March 2006
Effects Animation Supervisor, Studio wide position
-Designs the look and production methodology of dynamic simulations.
-Provides technical supervision and communicates project vision,
goals and milestones to a team of fx animators.
-Creation and deployment of fx tools.
-Integral member of Feature Pipeline Team.
-Forcasts/Bid effects budgets on future projects
Serenity Feature Film
-Developed look for particle work to be rendered through Mental Ray.
-Developed work flow tools for particles and fluid simulation.
-Developed velocity mapping techniques and tools for constant look of simulations through out film
-Creating the particle and fluid elements for shots using Mental ray
Technical Director
Sony Pictures Imageworks
March 2004 - September 2004
Cloth Department, on The Polar Express
-create and clean up cloth simulations for over 30 characters
Fluid/Particle Technical Director
The Orphanage
October 2003 - March 2004
Hellboy Feature film
-Created fire to engulf character's hand/body using Maya's Fluid simulator
-Wrote sprite tool which optimized render times, using the Air renderer
Particle Technical Director on SSX 3 commercial
-Created snow effects: falling snow, spraying snow, avalanche
FX Technical Director
ESC Entertainment
February 2003 - September 2003
Matrix Revolutions - Feature Film
-Ran simulations and rendered falling rain
-Rain splashes off hard surfaces and characters.
-Volumetric fog, created with proprietary tools and
mental ray volumes
-Created the ground splash system that was used
by other FX TD's .
-FX lighting (rain lighting, lightning connections, and fog volume lighting
Summer Internship in the Rebel Mac and Digital Matte Departments.
Assisted artist in production tasks, such as creating and manipulating
elements for use in their shots.