Minions (2015)
Maleficent Exodus: Gods and Kings - Trailer Guardians of the Galaxy Exodus: Gods and Kings - Show
Pre-Title Sequence : Drug lord - The Legend of Shorty
Dracula (TV Series) The Whale (TV Movie) Line of Duty (TV Series) Various Commercials
Compositing work including Keying, CG and live action integration
Blackberry Commercial.
Mr Selfridge Season 01 Black Mirror Season 02
Gravity Various Commercials
Iron Man 3
John Carter of Mars Harry Potter 7 Part 2
Green Lantern.
Commercials for : Amro Bank Mini Cooper
Green Lantern
Tv Pilot : Les Insuportables" by Stephane Barbato
The Gloaming" directed by NoBrain
Cameraman at the Leucate Kitesurf World Cup 2009 / RedOne Camera and 5D Mark II / BandOriginal crew.