Since we only had a limited amount of VFX work to do I started doing environment work on Grid Autosport and various other titles in between. Fter a year of this I decided to become a general artist again working across all disciplines as part of the digital team which i am very happy with.
senior vfx artist (group lead)
July 2010 - February 2014
I am working in central art as VFX group lead. At Codemasters i worked on Operation Flashpoint-Red River, Bodycount, Dirt 3 and F1 Race Stars. i am currently working on several mobile titles.
Special effects artist
Blitz Games Studios
September 2007 - July 2010
I started off at Blitz as charater artist. I worked on bratz- girlz really rock, tak and the guardian of gross and karaoke revolution, then moved onto environments for karoke revolution encore and Karaoke revolution encore 2, for which I also did my first effects. I then went to work on dead to rights being responsible for all the effects in the game. After that was finished i created effects for the dlc before i got moved onto the Biggest loser 2 for which i did environment art and effects.