• Oversaw all levels of creative in all locations – Artists, Leads, Department, DFX, and VFX Supervisors
• Worked closely with Recruiting and HR, and was the key voice to resource and casting creative needs and selection
• Acted as the primary interviewer for any senior or leadership creative roles
• Oversaw and worked closely with Head of 3D and Head of 2D to develop and institute VFX process and pipeline
visions and goals
• Maintained an open and honest relationship with all Leads and Supervisors, providing support and management
transparency wherever possible
• Oversaw and acted a resource for all color I/O processes within the facility
• VFX Supervised as needed
• VFX Supervisor projects:
o Manhunt
Head of Digital BC / VFX Supervisor
Zoic Studios
October 2018 - April 2022
British Columbia
• Oversaw creative roles in the BC office – Artists, Leads, Department, and DFX Supervisors
• Worked closely with Recruiting and HR, and was the key voice to resource and casting creative needs and selection,
with a primary focus on BC teams
• Acted as the primary interviewer for any senior or leadership creative roles for the BC office
• Oversaw and acted a resource for all color I/O processes within the facility
• VFX Supervised as needed
• VFX Supervisor projects:
o The Underground Railroad
o The Right Stuff
o Epic (Pilot, unaired)
o Amazing Stories
o Another Life
o Salvation
o Sacred Lies
Facility 2D Supervisor
Zoic Studios Vancouver
May 2016 - October 2018
British Columbia
• Oversaw all 2D related creative roles in BC – artists, leads, supervisors
• Developed 2D processes for compositing, targeting optimization, standardization, and efficiency
• Regularly interviewed potential hires at the artist, lead, or supervisor levels
• Oversaw and acted a resource for all color I/O processes within the facility
• VFX Supervised as needed
• VFX Supervisor projects:
o Beyond
Features Compositing Supervisor
Zoic Studios
January 2012 - May 2016
British Columbia
• Acted as the Compositing Supervisor for the Features Department
• Oversaw a team of 5 Compositing Leads and a fluctuating team of artists, based on the number of features in house,
and the needs of each show
• Responsible for the quality and accuracy of all shots
• Interviewed artists and leads as needed
• Acted as the primary resource for all color I/O processes within both Features and the facility as a whole
• Compositing Supervisor projects:
o Father Figures
o Keeping up with the Joneses
o Keanu
o Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny
o Hidden
o Hot Tub Time Machine 2
o Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
o Big Eyes
o Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt 2
o Midnight’s Children
Senior / Lead Compositor
Zoic Studios
April 2010 - January 2012
British Columbia
• Senior and Lead Compositing roles, primarily in the Features Department
• Primary resource for all color I/O processes within both Features and the facility as a whole
• Lead Supervisor projects:
o Premium Rush
Compositor / Senior Compositor
Artifex Studios
December 2005 - February 2010
Senior Compositor:
"The Troop"
New Daughter
While She Was Out
"Painkiller Jane"
"The 4400"