+6/16-current: Writer (Vault of the Witch Hunters on Amazon/Audible, others)
+2/21-6/21 medical product related 3d modeling
+3/20-12/20 Unreleased prototype/demo game: Character Rigging and Animation (Maya and Unreal)
+ 9/19-12/19 character rigging and modeling for Denali Publishing's 'Spies in Disguise: Agents on the Run' game.
+ 3/18-3/19 3d real time game characters for table9 games' Sumo (released on steam)
+ rpg illustrations and concept art 6/17-current (The Lesser Key to the Celestial Legion, Death Witch, Torchbearer 2nd ed., Mutant Crawl 'zine, others)
Character Artist
Gazillion Entertainment
March 2016 - August 2018
Foster City, CA
character models and concept art for Marvel Heroes
Jayna Pavlin Art
April 2008 - January 2017
Middarmark: Torchbearer RPG illustrations 12/16-1/17
Level Art: 8/15-9/15 2d concepts and vector art for side scrolling fight game
RPG illustrations 12/14-1/15
character model: Philips sonicare for kids, 11/2014
character and vehicle concept art 7/2014-8/2014
book cover illustrations 9/2014, 12/2014
immune defense game 2014: ui, models, textures, rigging, and other art
illustrations for Firefly rpg 2013-2014
Illustrations for Mecha vs. Kaiju RPG; 5/2014
Concept Art drawings/sculpts and 3d modeling for Untitled game. 10/2012-4/2013
2d Graphics and UI for Marble Madness. 11/2012 (windows8)
2d Art for ShapeWords 6/2012-8/2012 (android, iphone, tablets)
WishboneX: Game art, modeling, rigging consulting 4/2008-6/2008
Toyrrific: sculpting military action figure designs 6/2008-9/2008
Full Draw Studios
June 2008 - March 2016
Concord, CA
game development and illustration
games include Wizard Chess, Bard's Tale, ShapeWords, Immune Defense, Housewife Wars, Kitchen Rage, Gothic World
illustration for Evil Hat: Dresden Files, Dinocalypse Now! , and Strange Tales of the Century
illustration for Margaret Weis Productions: Firefly RPG
Ex'pression College for Digital Arts
March 2015 - January 2016
Emeryville, CA
teaching: Character Rigging class (Maya) for game art and animation and visual effects programs.
Character Modeling , zbrush class focusing on character art
Advanced Game Pro: basic design and concept art for personal projects
mentoring and tutoring students, giving them encouragement, managing expectations, and keeping them on task
Course Director
Ex'pression College
February 2015 - September 2015
Emeryville, CA
taught rigging, character modeling
Course Director
Ex'pression College
January 2009 - October 2013
Emeryville, CA
taught game development classes: animation, zbrush/character modeling, concept art
Course Director
Ex'pression College for Digital Arts
February 2009 - October 2012
Course Director for:
Animation for Games: integrating Maya and the Unreal3 game engine.
Rigging for Games: character rigging using Maya
Final Game Pro2: website, demo reel, and portfolio development
Modeling for Games: anatomy, zbrush, and 3d modeling
Advanced Game Pro: concept art for games
Architectural Design and Modeling: Modeling for environments and the unreal game engine
Student Choice Instructor of the Year, 2012; Ex'pression College
Art Institute of San Francisco
October 2009 - December 2009
Taught an MFA class on 3d facial modeling, rigging, and animation for the Media Arts & Animation program.
Lead Artist
Mineshaft Entertainment
August 2006 - August 2008
Grass Valley, CA
3d modeling, UI/UX, Concept Art, Rigging/Animation
Games include Nokia Pro Series Golf, Blazing Angels;
Lead Artist
Mine Shaft Entertainment
September 2005 - August 2008
Senior/Lead 3d Artist on canceled sports game responsible for character design and concept art, modeling, texturing, and animation. Lead Artist on Blazing Angels responsible for porting to Arcade, creating new UI and additional 3d assets. Lead Artist on Pro Series Golf for Nokia mobile games creating character models, UI graphics, textures, and character skinning. Concept art for various game pitches.
freelance artist-animator
Various Companies
November 2002 - January 2008
CatalystFX: October 2005 – December 2005
Contracted Animator on the film What the Bleep Do We Know?! Down the Rabbit Hole. For the film I worked on the Dr. Quantum scenes, primarily doing hand and facial animation and lip sync.
RPGObjects: November 2002 – October 2005
Illustrated 21 role playing game books (including 3 covers) for the d20 system including the popular Darwin's World Post-Holocaust source books.
Art Institutes
March 2005 - September 2006
Portland, OR
taught zbrush, 3d modeling, and animation classes
Contract Animator
Catalyst FX
October 2005 - January 2006
Phoenix, AZ
(contractor)...Animation on What the Bleep Do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole
3d Artist
March 2002 - April 2004
Grass Valley, CA
3d modeling, textures for game level; concept art for in studio game pitches and demo projects
Senior 3D Artist
Mineshaft Entertainment
April 2003 - January 2004
Concept, Modeling, and Texturing of Characters and Vehicles for Archangel, an original IP game pitch and a brawling/fighting game.