An online training course fit for traditional artists looking to enter the Concept Art or Illustration field. CGSpectrum is dedicated to high quality education with a 5 student maximum class size, ensuring plenty of face time and feedback from your instructor.
We also feature a rent-a-mentor program for individual needs such as portfolio or project critiques and personal tutoring.
Freelance Artist
Collinge Artwork
September 2010 - Present
I've been completing various jobs as a freelance artist consisting of:
Illustration for Pitches, Book Covers and Posters
Game Art for Mobile Platforms (characters, background, UI and effects)
Visual Development for Games and Animation
Painted Backgrounds/Environments
Bardel Entertainment
March 2014 - April 2015
Vancouver, Canada Area
At Bardel I worked on The Advenutes of Puss in Boots, currently airing on Netflix.
I primarily worked at a Prop Designer, from rough drawing to final render target paintings. Additional Maya expertise contributed to Set Design tasks and turnaround prototypes.
Rainmaker Entertainment
May 2012 - January 2014
I had a blast working on Rainmakers next Feature Film, Ratchet and Clank, following upon my experience within the Escape from Planet Earth production.
My responsibilities included major environment/set design, vehicle design, as well as props and texture guides.
Rainmaker Entertainment
January 2011 - February 2012
I worked on both DVD and Full Feature Animation for Rainmakers upcoming movie, Escape from Planet Earth.
I primarily designed environments, key props and graphic work, as well as some FX designs and costumes.
3D/2D Artist
Badda Media
January 2010 - April 2010
I worked as a Contract 2D and 3D artist to create character animation, environmental art, concept designs, and full interface for a 3D pre-rendered Flash game. I was responsible for the full games artwork under the guidance of the Art Director.
Software used included Maya, Photoshop, and Flash.
Rainmaker Entertainment
May 2008 - August 2008
Modeling and Texturing duties covering large scale environments, vehicles and characters.
3D designer
CGTV Games
May 2007 - May 2008
I create textured models (character and environment in a variety of styles) and other artwork for online 3D projects