My name is Anselm Seherr, Ansi for short. I am available to work remote on VFX. I am an Award winning Visual Effects Technical Director and VES (Visual Effects Society) member focused on particle based effects, fluid simulations, shading, and post production. I was Autodesk Artist of the Year 2013 and Month - July 2013. I am an author for 3DArtist Magazine. I worked on movies like James Cameron's "Avatar", Transformers 4, Star Trek - Into Darkness, COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey, NCIS: New Orleans on-set VFX Supervisor, NEXTGEN for Netflix, Game of Thrones Video game Cinematic, The Expendables 3, Northmen - A Viking Saga, G.I. Joe-Rise of Cobra, The A-Team, 21JumpStreet, Filthy Rich on-set VFX Supervisor, Your Honor on-set VFX Supervisor , Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood", Ice Fantasy Chinese Series, Priest, SuckerPunch (PreViz), Beautiful Creatures (R&D), Dragonball: Evolution, Tree of Life (R&D), Clash of the Titans(3D conversion), Niko & The Way to the Stars, "Loewenzahn", Angel Camouflaged, The Big Year as well as numerous commercials and music videos. I consulted vfx on movies like Next Gen (Netflix), Gulliver's Travel, Skyline, Moving Day (Shortfilm), "Il sogno del Maratoneta(Day of the Race)", "Battle of Vienna", London Fields.
Mastered Software:
3D Studio MAX, Photoshop, After Effects, BlackMagic Fusion, tyFlow, Particle Flow Toolbox 1,2,3 (all on Master Level), RayFire, Thinking Particles, FumeFX, Afterburn, Krakatoa, VRay,
Work History
VFX Artist
September 2020 - Present
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Simulation work, super secret ;) More soon!
On-Set Visual Effects Supervisor
NCIS: New Orleans
July 2019 - Present
Greater New Orleans Area
NCIS:New Orleans Season 6 On-Set Visual Effects Supervisor (24 Episodes)
VFX Supervisor
incendii VFX
March 2019 - Present
Greater New Orleans Area
VFX Supervisor on a short film "The adventures of Coolbreeze". Simulation work, tracking, compositing, match move.
Visual Effects TD / Simulation Artist
incendii VFX
May 2010 - Present
Incendii is an award winning visual effects and 3Dimensional design house. We deliver computer generated visual effects with an emphasis on particle effects (rain, snow, mist, debris, bullets, rock, etc.), fluid dynamics, such as fire and smoke, as well as dynamic effects like collapsing rigid bodies.
VFX Artist
May 2020 - July 2020
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
I was contracted by 108Digital to create 3 animals made of gas for a Russian energy company. The tricky part was that the simulation had to loop for a website. They found me through one of my favorite RnD projects the Gazprom snow animals from 2010:
Visual Effects Artist
Capsule studio
May 2020 - July 2020
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
I was contracted by Capsule Studio to help out and create a library of effects on a video game cinematic.
In pre-production I created assets that could be merged by assembly artists and scattered around the scenes.
In production I did vfx for a dozen shots involving destruction, tree destruction and dynamics as well as fluid simulations.
Visual Effects Artist
June 2020 - June 2020
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
I was recently contracted to simulate tire dust and tiny rubble for a new car "The Grenadier". FumeFX and tyFlow for the rubble. It's a very subtle effect like in most car commercials.
Watch the full clip here:
It's a pretty cool car!
On-Set Visual Effects Supervisor
Ingenuity Studios
October 2019 - January 2020
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
On-set visual effects supervisor for episodes 1, 4, 7 and 10 of the first season of the "Filthy Rich" tv show starring Kim Cattrall.
VFX Artist
September 2019 - October 2019
Greater New Orleans Area
Early RnD for a car commercial using 3dsmax, tyFlow and Houdini.
On-Set Visual Effects Supervisor
Picture Shop
September 2019 - September 2019
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
On-Set Visual Effects Supervisor for the first episode of "Your Honor" starring Brian Cranston.
VFX Supervisor
SoulCity Films
May 2019 - July 2019
Greater New Orleans Area
Supervising and producing smoke simulations for the SoulCity web series from layout to final comp and delivery. Also tracking, augmenting props and rendering.
VFX artist
December 2015 - January 2016
FumeFX simulations of a rocket launch for the NIKE LunarEpic release campaign.
VFX artist
incendii VFX
December 2015 - January 2016
FumeFX simulations of a rocket launch for the NIKE LunarEpic release campaign.
on set vfx supe
Encore VFX
June 2014 - December 2014
VFX Artist
Atomic Fiction
April 2014 - June 2014
FumeFX and Thinking Particles simulations for Transformers 4 - Age of Extinction.
DayForNight GmbH
June 2013 - June 2014
The Teaser Trailer for "NORTHMEN - A Viking Saga" is out! Been working on this for the past year on an off. (3dsmax,FumeFX,ThinkingParticles,RayFire,Krakatoa,Xmesh,VRay,all pflow boxes, you know me...)
DuMonde VFX
January 2014 - May 2014
DuMonde handled the VFX and Post for the new 10 episode pirate TV show "Crossbones" starring John Malkovich as the legendary pirate Blackbeard. I was responsible for Sail cloth simulation, basic crowd simulation and all sorts of RnD ranging around canon balls, impacts on ships and walls, smoke plumes and fires. I used FumeFX, ThinkingParticles, mParticles, VRay, SimCloth3, Populate.
Atomic Fiction
March 2014 - March 2014
I worked on FumeFX Simulations in 3dsmax for the COSMOS tv show with Neil deGrasse Tyson:
Atomic Fiction
March 2014 - March 2014
FumeFX missle trail for the Expendables3 teaser.
Deva Studios
February 2014 - February 2014
Film title work (FumeFX Simulations)
January 2014 - February 2014
VRay setup and renderings for a new Remington rifle scope.
VFX artist
January 2014 - February 2014
Incendii did a RnD on a weather phenomenon calles "Super Cell" or "Mega Cloud" for a Lamborghini commercial. Unfortunately the director went with life footage of a super cell but here are a few previews of our effort. Bare with us here, they are long :D
FumeFX simulations were HUGE, 2-5 Kilometers in diameter and simulated for days often.
Artist of the Year 2013
July 2013 - December 2013
According to the 3December website I made the Autodesk Artist of the Year list.
November 2013 - November 2013
Digital Destruction with Thinking Particles and RayFire for a Western Digital Commercial.
River Road Creative
November 2013 - November 2013
Digital Destruction with Thinking Particles, RayFire and FumeFX for the horror movie "DEVIL'S DUE" opening title.
VFX Supe
The Deltree
October 2013 - November 2013
CG Crowd replication and integration into stadium footage. The commercial features New Orleans Saints Quarterback Drew Brees:!
October 2013 - November 2013
FumeFX Library Items - The task this time was to create various generic library items that would then be plugged and recycled into various scene. The FumeFX simulations ranged from burn outs over fog bursts to various stage fog/dry ice set ups from very light to very thick.
3DArtist Magazine - Imagine Publishing
August 2013 - October 2013
I am writing tutorials mostly centered around particles and FumeFX as external author for 3DArtist Magazine, a print magazine published by Imagine Publishing in the UK.
Storz & Escherich
July 2013 - July 2013
RnD I did recently on a Mercedes Benz CLA commercial in space. The final spot went a different direction but the RnD is stil nice :)
Vfx artist
April 2013 - May 2013
Simulation and particle work on various projects (FumeFX,Thinking Particles,mParticles)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty & Black Sky Frontpage: 2013 NFL Jersey Reveals (Vikings, Dolphi
Heavy Artillery
April 2013 - April 2013
The Heavy Artillery network did this years front page campaign for the 2013 NFL jersey reveal. We did the Vikings, Dolphins and Jaguars graphics.
RayFire, Krakatoa, Frost, FumeFX, pflow tools
Atomic Fiction
January 2013 - February 2013
Star Trek 2 - Into Darkness
FumeFX Simulations. Making Of:
VFX Artist
November 2012 - December 2012
Rigid body simulations for a TV show explosion using mParticles/PFlow Toolbox #2
VFX Artist
The Colony
November 2012 - November 2012
Droid DNA commercial. Particle simulation and FumeFX.
Clip and making of here:
October 2012 - November 2012
David Guetta - "Just One Last Time" music video. Smoke stack simulations with FumeFX.
Making of clip here:
VFX Artist
Blur Studio
August 2012 - October 2012
VFX artist on a League of Legends Game Cinematic. FumeFX, Krakatoa, PFlow, RayFire and Thinking Particles for various effects.
June 2012 - July 2012
VFX and RnD/Master scene setup artist on the Louisiana shot feature film "Beatiful Creatures".
vfx TD
Blowfish FX
April 2012 - April 2012
"Battle of Vienna"-Movie. My part was RnD and master scene setups in less then a week time to create ready made sims/setups that could be popped to objects in scene and rendered on site.
Making of and RnD clip here:
February 2012 - April 2012
Particle and simulation artist on two "Coors Light" commercials and a British Gas commercial.
RnD and making of clips here: , ,
Makuta VFX
February 2012 - April 2012
VFX TD on Eega, a "Tollywood" blockbuster. (FumeFX Simulations).
RND clips here:
DuMonde VFX
October 2011 - December 2011
FumeFX simulations for "21 Jump Street", a movie remake of the 80s hit show.
RnD and making of clips here:
August 2011 - September 2011
Fluid simulation/Character interaction artist for Pixomondo on "Yoko", a feature film.
Some behind the scenes clips here:
August 2011 - September 2011
Particle and Fluid Simulation RnD artist on the feature film "Türkisch für Anfänger".
June 2011 - August 2011
Particle expert for 2 new HTC cell phone commercials. HTC Titan ( and HTC Radar (
Encore VFX
February 2011 - April 2011
Did various particle VFX and simulation work on HOUSE and work on a Pilot.
Black Eyed Peas - The Time (The Dirty Bit) Music Video
October 2010 - November 2010
I designed the 3DS Max pipeline necessary to accomplish the tasks and oversaw the final renderings as well. Final video: Making of:
VFX Consultant
Blowfish FX
October 2010 - November 2010
I was VFX Consultant to Blowfish FX/ Tripwire Visionworks for a movie that required 100% digital stadium crowds on multiple shots mixed with on set photography. I designed the setup and render pipeline within 3D Studio Max.
VFX TD - GazProm&Samsung; Commercials
IXOR Visual FX
September 2010 - November 2010
Incendii was contracted to do develop and setup multiple vfx elements/shots for two commercials ranging from fluid simulations for smoke and snow over ice/snow fragmentation and rigid bodies for full cg creatures running and flying as well as rendering all elements with Krakatoa and VRay.
RnD and making of clips here:
LUXX Studios
October 2010 - October 2010
Work for Luxx Studios on the Loewenzahn movie. Did particle debris and rigid body dynamics setups remotely to be rendered onsite."Loewenzahn" is a very popular tv education show for kids in Germany, it's been on air for decades. Pretty much the german "Bill Nye - The Science Guy" :)
VFX Consultant
July 2010 - September 2010
I consulted the TDs at HydraulX on FumeFX and Krakatoa/Particle Flow Toolbox #3 on the movies "Gulliver's Travels" and "Skyline". The team was newly migrated to 3DS Max for certain vfx tasks so I helped them building setups and presets as well as workflow optimization.
Visual Effects TD
Spy Post
May 2010 - June 2010
I worked at Spy Post as Visual Effects TD on the movie "Priest". During my time there i was responsible for debris and destruction effects using tools like FumeFX, AfterBurn, Krakatoa and the Particle Flow toolboxes.
Visual Effects Artist
Parasol Island
April 2010 - May 2010
I worked remotely on a super nova sequence involving millions of particles imploding in space.
Visual Effects Artist
LUXX Studios
April 2010 - May 2010
H.A.W.X.2 Cinematic. Dynamic simulations of Explosion Debris and fluid simulations for air combat and explosions.
Visual Effects TD
Frantic Films
July 2008 - May 2010
Visual Effects TD on James Cameron's "Avatar", The A-Team, Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood" , Clash of the Titans 3D (Conversion), Sucker Punch(Previz), G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra, Dragonball: Evolution, The Tree of Life(R&D).
Visual Effects TD on "The A-Team"
Prime Focus World
March 2010 - April 2010
Debris simulation on mid air rocket explosions.
Additional Stereoscopic VFX artist on "Clash of the Titans 3
Prime Focus World
February 2010 - March 2010
Besides Roto Tasking for the away team in India I provided additional VFX such as stereoscopic rain elements and debris/embers where needed in the "Scorpioc" and "Hades" sequences to support the experience.
Visual Effects TD on Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood"
Prime Focus World
February 2010 - March 2010
Additional Particles and Lighting of a cg bee swarm.
Simulation Artist
January 2010 - February 2010
Simulation Setups for the award winning short film "Moving Day" by Jason Wingrove:
VFX TD on "James Cameron's AVATAR"
Prime Focus World
June 2009 - December 2009
Holotable scans and icons of the "Hometree". Holotable scans and icons of the mine pit and generic terrain. Haze, heat distortion and mist/dust kicking up on the tarmek outside the command center.
R&D Visual Effects Artist on "The Tree of Life"
Frantic Films
July 2009 - August 2009
Helped out on R&D for foliage setups on "The Tree of Life".
VFX TD on "G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra"
Prime Focus World
November 2008 - May 2009
Additional Nanomites on the Nightraven jet. Brain Nanomites inside of The Baroness. Poison dissolve inside a vein.
Visual Effects TD on "Dragonball: Evolution"
Prime Focus World
July 2008 - November 2008
Lava bursts, mist, embers, steam, fog for the lava fight scene. Meteor impact. Lake evaporation.
VFX artist for Fluid Phenomena and Particle FX
ACHT Frankfurt
December 2007 - October 2008
Particle Flow and FumeFX setups for a car Imagefilm and numerous freelance projects.
VFX Artist
Animationsfabrik GmbH
May 2008 - July 2008
Responsible for debris and dust simulation for a Suzuki commercial.
Freelancer: VFX Artist/Fluid Simulations
Animationsfabrik GmbH
June 2008 - June 2008
Responsible for debris and dust simualtion for a Suzuki commercial.
Pictorion Magma Animation
March 2008 - April 2008
Responsible for Afterburn, Rigid Body Dynamics and Particle Flow Setups for an avalanche used in the box office movie "Niko & The Way to the Stars".
Particle / Simulation Artist
Pictorion Magma Animation/Das Werk
March 2008 - March 2008
Responsible for Afterburn, Rigid Body Dynamics and Particle Flow Setups for an avalanche used in the box office movie "Niko & The Way to the Stars". Release date: Winter 2008
VFX artist for Fluid Phenomena and Particle FX
October 2007 - November 2007
I was responsible for serveral Fume FX and Particle FX for a car visualisation film.
October 2007 - November 2007
Particle and fluid simulations on multiple projects.
Shading Artist/Texturing Artist
August 2007 - October 2007
VRay Shading Artist/Texturing Artist for a Hugo Boss Web Special.
VFX Artist
August 2007 - September 2007
Shading and Lighting artist on multiple projects.
Freelancer: VFX Artist/VFX TD/Shading Artist/Texturing Artis
August 2004 - February 2007
I work there often as Freelancer for VFX/Shading&Texturing; as well as VFX TD and Previz Artist.
Video Editor
2007 - 2007
Produced their 2007 Siggraph reels for display at the show booth. I oversaw soundtrack production, editing, source file acquisition from vendors using TruboSquid products.
Shading/VFX artist
2006 - 2007
I worked there as Shading Artist and Particle/Dynamic effects artist on numerous shows.
Final clips here: ,
Freelancer: Shading Artist/Texturing Artist
Mackervision/Galerie der Medien
November 2006 - December 2006
Photoreal Shading with VRay. Mostly Automotive Visualisation. check:
Freelancer: VFX Artist/Shading Artist/Texturing Artist