Taught a course on visual effects techniques with 3DS Max
FX artist
August 2011 - August 2011
Digital destruction; car-desert sand interaction - RND and shot work.
FX artist
February 2010 - August 2011
FX work feature film productions.
-'Sucker Punch' and 'Hindenburg' - destruction of an airship crashing into the ground. Steel structure breaking and deformation, cloth structure.
-'Red Tails' - destruction of a train engine and cars, environment interaction, smoke and explosions.
Training DVD author
2009 - 2010
Training material author and presenter
FX artist/TD
February 2009 - May 2009
Did FX work (10 shots) under the lead of Mohsen Mousavi on Emerich's '2012'. Workflow used 3DS Max, centered on Thinking Particles, with FumeFX, Krakatoa, Afterburn, Particle Flow.