- Creation of characters accordingly with the art direction
- Problem solving
- RnD to find new artistic solutions
- Close collaboration with Rigging dept. to improve the pipeline of characters and achieve the best result possible.
Character/Environment Artist
Ubisoft Milan
May 2015 - April 2020
Milan Area, Italy · On-site
Title: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
- Characters and environments modeling/texturing
- Problem solver
- RnD
Title: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Donkey Kong Adventure DLC
Duties: - Characters and environments modeling/texturing
- Problem solver
- RnD
Senior Character Artist
Bad Seed
September 2014 - May 2015
- Lowpoly modeling (Characters/Environments)
- Texturing
- Environment Set Dressing
- Lighting/Lightmapping (Unity)
- Problem Solving
Modeler - Texture Artist
Rainbow CGI
September 2009 - August 2014
Projects: WinxClub Season 6
WinxClub Season 5
Gladiators of Rome (3D movie)
Com'é bello far l'amore (movie by Fausto Brizzi)
Winx Club Magic Adventure (3D movie)
Extra duties: Teacher of "Character Texturing with Mudbox" in the Rainbow Academy (www.rainbowacademy.it)
Freelance Texture Artist
The Caravel Animation
May 2012 - August 2012
London, United Kingdom
I textured assets for a short movie
Main Texture Artist
Palantir Digital Media
May 2010 - November 2010
Project: "L'arrivo di Wang" by Manetti Bros.
Texture Artist
Dujass Film - Rome
May 2009 - September 2009
Project: Orlando (3D movie)
Texture Artist
ASP Productions - Rome
July 2008 - April 2009
Project: X and I (3D movie)
Modeler and Texture artist
Augustus Color - Rome
June 2008 - June 2008
Project: Pinocchio's International fiction's (vfx)
Texture Artist
Rainbow CGI
March 2007 - February 2008
Project: Winx Club - Il segreto del regno perduto (3D movie)