Steam release & Nevada pack - Trailer park
Interdisciplinary team management (20 employees)
Schedule creation and tracking - JIRA & Tom's planner
Cross-studio communication
Tracking dependencies with other departments
Design documentation
Design Manager on Ryse Son of Rome DLCs (Xbox One & PC):
Schedule creation
Design documentation
Design Manager on Ryse Son of Rome (Xbox One's launch title & PC):
Design team organization (13 employees)
Task creation & tracking
Feedback management & bugtracking
Tracking design dependencies & follow-up decisions
Meeting owner & Information tracking
Design recruitment
GDD owner
Design point of contact for tracking tools: Hansoft, JIRA, TFS, Tom's planner...
Liaison with HR
I also fulfilled at certain points the following roles during Ryse:
Scrum master
System designer
Lead level designer
Manager for external demos
Design director substitute
Pit manager
Liaison with Microsoft on certain areas
Animation manager (7 employees)
Senior game designer
Digital Legends Entertainment
April 2011 - January 2012
Involved in several iOS projects for the company, 2 of them still available in the Apple Store:
- miCoach Football / Soccer (
- miCoach Running (
Producer & Designer
Eclipse Games
April 2010 - April 2011
Several indie games, released on different platforms:
- Ecofish (iOS) - Producer, Game designer & Level designer
- Lightfish (Steam) - Game designer & Level designer
- Toy Cars (XLIG) - Additional design
Freelance Writer
'The movie that never existed' project
November 2008 - April 2010
- The movie that never existed - My first novel
Senior game designer
Grin Barcelona
May 2007 - October 2008
I worked in the project 'Wanted - Weapons of Fate', a third person shooter for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Senior game designer
Pyro Studios
May 2004 - May 2007
I worked in several projects for the company, including:
- Imperial Glory (PC RTS), released in 2005 by Eidos:
- Cops (Xbox 360/PS3 - FPS), cancelled
- Sport City (PC - Tycoon), cancelled
- InZero (Xbox 360/PS3 - RPG Shooter), cancelled
Junior game designer & Scriptwriter
July 2002 - November 2003
I worked in several multi-platform games (mobile & website mainly), including:
- SMS Football
- More than Friends
- School Crisis
Assistant Producer
Gestevisión Telecinco
March 2002 - July 2002
I worked in 'Gran Hermano 2002' (Big Brother)
Assistant Producer
August 2001 - December 2001
I worked in the TV Show 'Supervivientes 2001' (Survivor)
Assistant Producer
Gestevisión Telecinco
November 2000 - June 2001
I worked in the following shows:
- 'La ultima noche': Weekly comedy show, the spanish adaptation of Saturday Night Live.
- 'Gran Hermano 2001' (Big Brother)
Assistant Producer
October 2000 - November 2000
I worked in the TV show 'Gala de los Premios Amigo' (Premios Amigo awards gala), featuring U2, Cristina Aguilera and Estopa, among others.
Production auxiliar
Broadcast Union Services
September 2000 - September 2000
I worked in a series of TV commercials for Telefonica
Assistant Producer
Zeppelin TV
March 2000 - June 2000
I worked in the first season of the spanish version of 'Gran Hermano 2000' ('Big Brother')
Assistant Producer
Summers Producciones
February 2000 - March 2000
I worked in the pilot for the TV show 'El Burladero', a daily humorous magazine
June 1999 - February 2000
As a member of the beta-testing department, I worked in dozens of titles including:
- PC Futbol 2000
- PC Futbol 2001
- Euroleague Football
- Space Clash
- Resurrection
- M Alien Paranoia
- Grouch
- PC River
- Pizza Syndicate
Leaving aside testing them, I also made screenwriting contributions to the following games:
- Runaway
- La Prision
Assistant Producer
Radio Televisión Española
November 1999 - December 1999
I worked in the Tv Show 'A toda risa', a celebrity contest telling jokes
Radio Televisión Española
July 1998 - September 1998
I worked in the following shows:
- 'La aventura del saber': Daily educational magazine
- 'Una de dos': Tv series featuring the famous spanish actress Lina Morgan