Led the sets shading team on Cars 2, comprised of eighteen shading and paint artists and technical directors. Shaded sets and environments for:
Toy Story 3
Supervising Technical Director
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (WOT, Inc.)
May 2002 - August 2004
Supervised and trained lighters and texture painters in the creation of preproduction lighting look development tests. Developed numerous production tools for lighters, texture artists, and systems administrators in MEL, Perl, TCL, and C. Designed and implemented a library of custom Slim templates, specialized Renderman shaders, shadeop DSOs, and standalone applications to solve specific production rendering challenges. Recommended and deployed distributed Maya, Renderman, and After Effects rendering using Rush and Alfred, including administration of net
Lighter and Technical Director
Walt Disney Animation Studios
March 2000 - May 2002
Reign of Fire
Kangaroo Jack
The Kid
Wonderful World of Disney (Emmy-nominated main title sequence)
Soarin' Over California (Omnimax ride film)
Senior Effects Animator
Dream Quest Images
May 1999 - February 2000
Mission to Mars—Created effects elements using Maya dynamics, MEL scripting, custom Renderman shaders, and proprietary volumetric particle renderer. Designed and implemented novel methods for previsualizing and integrating live-action motion control plates with CG elements.
Digital Artist
Banned From the Ranch
November 1998 - March 1999
A Stir Of Echoes
Star Trek: Insurrection (trailer)
Independent Animator
June 1998 - January 1999
Created six animated CG sweepers for NBC’s “Designer Peacock” national branding campaign. Executed all aspects of production, from art direction through compositing and final rendering for NTSC broadcast. Spots debuted on the Super Bowl broadcast and aired for more than a year.
Graphic Designer, Editor
various clients
1994 - 1998
Numerous book cover and interior designs, music packaging, corporate identity packages, digital prepress and retouching, photography.