italin td living in london uk.had expeirnces in all majr studiosand acroos many different industries from feature to vfx, from game to commercial. Cg creature Supervior for dneg for last 3 years, pluas cfx andgrooming supervisor previosuly in Cinesite. total experience 15 years.
Work History
cg creature supervisor
Double Negative
September 2017 - Present
London, United Kingdom
Founder and Creative Producer
TripleA visual Services ltd
March 2013 - Present
Other than manage the everyday business, I work as Creative Producer, Project Manager, Hr, contractor and team relationships, Artist manager and account manager.
Sr Creature td
Industrial Light & Magic
November 2014 - September 2017
Vancouver, Canada Area
broad spectrum role that involves simulations of cloth, muscles and all the secondary kind of animations that are based on a physically correct solver. Among my task there are also scripting,shot sculpting and finalling
cfx Sup
May 2015 - December 2015
Sr Generalist / Cloth td
Passion Pictures
March 2013 - November 2015
working on as generalist and creature fx td for a very well known brand new commercial/viral campaign, involving lots of characters and realistic garments simulation
cfx Lead sequence / Sr Creature / cfx td
June 2011 - March 2013
Leading a team of very talented cfx tds for a particular character sequence in the latest Keanu Reeves movie "47 Ronin". Main tasks include the creation of the simulation rigs for this character, lookdev, new methodologies development for my team and our own project pipeline, cloth simulations, tools scripting and to provide constructive and detailed feedback to fellow tds to achieve sups and client artistic vision.
"47 Ronin"
"Sherlock Holmes 2 Games of Shadows"
"Wrath of the Titans"
TD - layout TD - Technical Animator
Double Negative
November 2010 - May 2011
worked as TD on upcoming project "John Carter Of Mars"
Technical Animator
March 2010 - September 2010
working as cloth td and technical animator for upcoming block busters movies:
"Harry Potter and the deathly hallows" part 1
"Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawntreader"
Character Rigger
November 2009 - March 2010
In November, due to a possible change in the company pipeline I was asked to move in the character/rigging team to follow the new rig procedure in maya, due to my past experiences, and to be in house reference for riggers arriving from a different dcc package. From this point on I have been working in both maya and xsi, with my supervisor, to find out which was the best for our needs and the most straight forward and robust from an exporting point of view.
Cloth and Simulation Artist
October 2008 - November 2009
Working right now at Digiguys as Cloth artist on brand new revolutionary project Wardevil for Sony's Ps3 (
Char TD and Lead Cloth/syflex/ simulation Artist
Glasgow Animation
April 2008 - September 2008
Worked as Char TD and Lead Cloth/syflex/ simulation Artist for Bille Production CG feature film "sir Bille the Vet"
2D/3D TD & DIgital Content Creator
Frame Fx - DEA
November 2007 - March 2008
Working as All round TD on maya Software and as 2d content creator in catalogues projects
Jr. TD - XSi Generallist
Lumiq Studios
May 2006 - May 2007
I've been hired to do special effects, final rendering and compositing of a tv show based on a famous character well known in itlay co-produced in association with another company based in Milan, italy.
Right now i'm working also on hairs dynamic simulation (using softimage xsi) for a 3d moving picture based on the Cervantes's famous character Don Quixote
3d content creator
July 2005 - April 2006
3d content creatior (modelling & texturing) for educational oriented real time product
video e content editor for video reviews of games