"Skyrim: Dawnguard"
"Skyrim: Dragonborn"
Unannounced Next-gen title
Character Animator
Double Negative
March 2010 - January 2012
"John Carter"
I worked on the main thark characters, Tars Tarkas, Sola, and Tal Hajus using both key frame animation and motion capture techniques. Pixar’s Andrew Stanton was my main motivation for coming on to this project, and working under his direction has been my most enriching professional experience so far. With his experienced eye for animation and unique direction it was a great opportunity to create some fantastic visual effects animation.
Character Animator
Industrial Light & Magic
October 2008 - February 2010
"Iron Man 2"
"Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen"
"Star Tours: The Adventures Continue"
On Iron Man 2 I animated Iron Man, War Machine, and Whiplash using both keyframe animation and motion capture. We went for a very realistic animation style since the characters were humans wearing form fitting suits and it was great seeing our work hold up on the big screen integrated with the live action. On Transformers 2 we went a little more extreme and explosive to match the directing style of Michael Bay. I animated Bumblebee and Decepticons, it was an exci
Character Animator
Vanguard Animation
August 2007 - February 2008
"Space Chimps"
I went to Vanguard to work with former Pixar animator Adam Wood where I worked on the hero characters, Ham, Luna, and Titan. Under his Supervision we animated a realistic style while “plussing” the performance similar to the methods used at Pixar. It was a great learning experience working on a fully CG animated feature and I learned how different it is to work outside of a live action universe.
Character Animator
Industrial Light & Magic
November 2006 - May 2007
"Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End"
On Pirates 3 I worked on Davey Jones, animating his performance based on Bill Nighy’s performance on set. To this date he is my favorite character I have had the pleasure to work with, the level of control on the facial rig of Davey Jones combined with the Bill Nighy’s amazing facial gymnastics made every shot a study of human anatomy and terrific method acting. On Transformers I was the youngest animator on the team and I worked on Megatron, Optimus Prime, and the rest of the Autobots. It was
Character Animator
Rhythm & Hues Studios
2005 - 2006
"Night at the Museum"
I was responsible for creature animation for Lions, Horses, and Hawks and we had to animate them in an extremely realistic fashion in order for them to hold up on the big screen integrated with the live action. It was great learning the mechanics of the animals, particularly the horse, as their different walks/trots/gallops were intricate and beautiful to examine in detail.
Stereoscopic Data Integrator
Industrial Light & Magic
July 2005 - August 2005
"Chicken Little"
For my first job right out of school I had the unique opportunity of working on site at Disney Feature Animation under contract for ILM helping them convert their feature into 3D. Chicken Little had been rendered in 2D so ILM used propriety algorithms using the 2D plate and 3D scene geometry to create a 2nd virtual Camera. They had a small team of us going through the data to make sure that algorithm converted the scenes correctly, so I spent more than a month frame by frame going through the shots making sure it went into 3D properly